鬼船之謎 The Mystery Of The Mary Celeste 英文正式版
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鬼船之謎(神秘的瑪麗西萊斯特)(The Mystery of the Mary Celeste)破解版玩家扮演發
現被遺棄的Mary Celeste號海船的人的後裔——Mary Morehouse,參加Mary Celeste II號海
The Mary Celeste was a merchant ship discovered in 1872 unmanned and abandon
ed in the Atlantic Ocean,despite beautiful weather and a crew of able and ex
perienced seamen.The Mary Celeset herself was in perfect condition and still
under full sail,with over six months of food and water still on board.Her ca
rgo was effectively untouched and the personal belongings of the crew and pa
ssengers were still in place,including valuables.
神秘的瑪麗西萊斯特號 The Mystery Of The Mary Celeste 英文正式版(AVG 冒險遊戲軟體)
Mysteries And Treasures Adventures Of The Mary Celeste 英文正式版(遊戲軟體)
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